Available Services
Local Transit
Our bus service operates Monday - Friday with three buses serving the town of Buffalo & general area. Local rides are $1 per ride. For local rides outside town limits $2 per ride. Equipped for those with unique transportation needs, including wheelchair accessible vehicles. To work, the store or doctor. We'll get you there!
Kaycee in town Service
We also have services & transportation options for the town of Kaycee. Rides for local Kaycee residents to Medical appointments, shopping and dining. Call the Kaycee Senior Center for more info
Sheridan Trips
Our out of town service offers convenient transportation to and from Sheridan on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. $10 Round Trip. This service is great for those with medical appointments in Sheridan or for Shopping. Bus Departs at 7:30 am local pick up at 7:40 & 7:50 am & returns at 3:00 PM. These Trips are Weekly.
Wheelchair Access Vehicles
We serve our community with wheelchair accessable vehicles. In fact all of our fleet is Wheelchair accessable. Our exceptional drivers go the extra mile to make sure our Seniors and those with special needs are very well cared for.
Gillette Trips
This service offers convenient transportation to and from Gillette on Tuesday & Thursday $15 Round Trip. A great route for those with medical appointments, and for shopping. For Gillette "shopping only" trips a minimum of two passengers must be going. For medical appointments one rider is standard.
Local Food Drives
You will see our bus from time to time for Stuff the Buss Food Drives in our community. At locations like DJ's and Lynn's Superfoods. Our last stuff the buss event at DJ's in October resulted in 970 lbs of food raised for the local Food Pantry.